Level D requires a teacher's guide, student workbook, and a physical copy or digital download of McGuffey's Revised Third clectic Reader.
McGuffey's Revised Third Eclectic Reader: This level continues with the same exceptional McGuffey’s Reader lessons that you’ve come to expect. Instead of coloring word cards, however, your student will use the words in the lessons to focus on vocabulary. Many of the vocabulary exercises are presented as word-searches or cross-word puzzles. Most of the poetry also comes from the reader.
Spelling: Word Mastery by Florence Akin is taught in the first three levels. Ms. Akin’s approach was to teach reading fluency and phonics with a gentle, “organic” approach without a lot of phonics rules or the use of diacritical marks. This aligns well with the Charlotte Mason method. Levels D through I use a speller called Word Lessons by Alonzo Reed. Since this level begins actual spelling lessons, phonics rules and diacritical marks are thoroughly covered. These lessons have a weekly word list in which half of the words are tested on each day. By covering these word lists in this way, your student can be tested on each word twice weekly. Occasionally, some weeks will cover other concepts. Lessons in homonyms are taught frequently in this level.
Memory Verse/ Copywork: As with Level C, Level D has a weekly memory verse to copy and memorize. The other three days of the week have quotes from famous people. The authors of these quotes come from many different walks of life and have many different world views. Although none of the quotes have the authority of scripture, we’ve tried to find quotes that will build character, spark your student’s interest, and possibly engage them in conversation. Some of these quotes are even humorous.
Cursive handwriting is recommended; but this is at the teacher’s discretion.
Grammar: Level D continues the Speaking and Writing (Maxwell) series with Book 2. These lessons cover a significant number of concepts in an engaging way. This portion focuses on teaching your student how to speak and write efficiently. Grammar and sentence diagramming are also included.
Biblical Approach: This program contains constant references to Bible stories, and is designed to teach outstanding character at every turn. Eclectic Foundations will not replace your current Bible curriculum, but isn’t it nice to have a language arts program that won’t work against your values? That cannot be said about many secular programs.
Teacher Friendly: This program is designed to cover four days a week for 36 weeks. It really is an open-and-go program! There is no prep work involved! Everything is laid out for you so you can focus your time on teaching and bonding with your children.
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