See what others are saying...
Click here to read a very comprehensive review from Cassie Deputie. Her blog is a wealth of information about homeschooling, biblical parenting, healthy living, and more.

"I love that it works well with a Charlotte Mason philosophy of education --each part of a lesson is short and targeted, there's no busywork, and the discussion questions dig deeper than what seems typical for this age group.
Emma loves the poems."
Susan A~ Homeschooling Hearts and Minds

"Overall, we enjoyed this program. There were a lot of parts to it, but the Teacher's Guide made it very simple to go through and complete. It was laid out really well."
Felecia M ~ Homeschool 4 Life

"Each lesson has wholesome content such as moral components, character building, biblical truths, life lessons, etc. for the student to glean. At the end of each lesson I felt like my child came away with more than just academic progress."
Jennifer L ~ Homeschool Happenings

"This has greatly increased her confidence in reading! She is excited and no longer sad when she has to learn her alphabet over and over again... My daughter and I are just so in love with this program."
Haley W ~The Country Homemaker

"This program receives a resounding YES!... I am a huge fan of the relatively compact and gentle approach that guides us through some stress-free learning time together. She is definitely learning her phonics, and never balks at doing her lessons. Plus it guides me along a bit better on using the McGuffey Readers. I’m very happy to have found this program."
Christy B~ The Travel Bags

"Using this curriculum was a breeze. The teacher manual spells everything out for you, and the student book is full of fun activities... On top of being effective, it’s really fun. It’s not at all stressful, and my son absolutely adores having his own school to do. Every morning when he wakes up, he asks if he can “do school today.” And the days that have the maze are even better!"
Wendy R~ Ladybug Daydreams

"I am really pleased with this program. Andrew is making good progress and it’s easy for me to prepare and teach"
Toni M ~ A Storyteller's Journey

"In all honesty, there have been other ELA programs and approaches I have tried with my daughter which I have appreciated for various reasons, but, none have been ideal long-term and none fit our needs of the season. Eclectic Foundations Language Arts Level B - with its flexibility, ease, and effectiveness - does! I am happy we were introduced to it through this review opportunity and think others like us will appreciate it, too. "
Martianne S ~Training Happy Hearts

"This program is a PERFECT FIT for us! We love the coloring, the handwriting, the wipe-off laminated phonics list board and the lessons that have a solid foundation and are rooted in a biblical worldview... I'm so happy that my youngest is able to receive this quality solid foundational teaching."
Tere S~ Puddle Jumping

"While some kids need tons of flashy colors and manipulatives, my girl says she loves the simplicity and gentle approach to this program and is glad to do it. She said, also, that she wishes we had known about it from the beginning of our formal language arts studies."
Margaret C~ Creative Madness Mama

"The format is the same from week to week as the student learns the letters and sounds. The repetition is perfect for Brother. He revels in the familiarity of the routine."
Anne F~ A Fly on my Homeschool Wall

"My daughter and I both loved it. She loved matching the letters and she also loved the letter mazes. She loved listening to the poetry each day. I think she loved everything about it. I loved that it is easy to use for the parent and that each day is set up for me. I love that each lesson builds on the previous lesson and there is always review. I know this has helped my daughter with her reading and I am looking forward to when we add in the reader to the lessons. It truly is a fun, Biblical, easy to use curriculum."
Rebecca C~ Our Life~Home and School

"The Eclectic Foundations Language Arts Level A program has been fantastic for my son's language arts lessons. I really appreciate this traditional method of teaching and learning that's also in line with our own core believes and values. This has definitely made me want to use more materials inspired by the Eclectic Education Series in my son's education."
Kelly ~Our Everyday Harvest

"Eclectic Foundations is a hit!... She really enjoys her lessons since each day includes fun, hands-on activities. I enjoy seeing her really flourish in her reading progress... I would totally recommend Eclectic Foundations to a friend!"
Heather K ~Running With Spears

"The passages were short enough that he did not get frustrated in reading them aloud. Even though the difficulty continued to increase, the length stayed fairly short, and so they were manageable bits. Also, he really enjoyed the write-on/ wipe-off workbook because...he likes that sort of thing."
Holly J~ Gypsy Road School

"Overall, I have been very pleased with this curriculum. It is easy in a way, but not too easy to make him feel like he is above this level. I have already recommended this to some of our friends. Definitely worth a look and a try!"
Kim R~ Good~Sweet~Love